Dentists in London

london-dentistsWelcome to our practice. There has been a dentist on our premises since 1950. The practice was bought in 1997 and has since been modernised and fully computerised. In 2002 we converted to private practice using another scheme, with pay as you go available in certain circumstances. Children remain NHS funded up to age 18 or 19 if in full time education.

You’ll find your comments and questions on any aspects of our practice are always welcomed, and we will be pleased to discuss your individual needs at any time. Also, any comments and queries can be made via an on-line form in the feedback section of this site.

There are a vast number of dentists in London – whether you’re looking in north, south, east, west or central.

Whitening home kits

A number of dentists in the capital will offer professional teeth whitening home kits which come with custom made trays (similar to a mouth guard). Home treatments are spearmint flavoured, crystal clear gels that contain a unique blend of soothers, to reduce sensitivity. The gel is applied to the trays and this is worn at night.

Treatments are also available for people who have already had whitening treatments and wish a top up.